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Distracted Driving Emerges as Major Factor in Rising Truck Accident Rates

Causes of Truck Accidents

Due to their size and speed, truck accidents often result in serious injuries. The most common causes of truck accidents include fatigue, truck driver error, mechanical issues, and bad weather.

Often, truck drivers are under pressure from their employers to move cargo quickly. As a result, they may exceed the hours they are legally allowed to drive daily. Contact Duluth Truck Accident Lawyer for more details.

Mechanical Issues

Trucks have many moving parts, and they must work correctly for safety. When these vital components fail, the results can be catastrophic. According to a study, mechanical issues contribute to 55% of all truck accidents. These problems can occur because of improper maintenance, manufacturing defects or wear and tear. Brake failures, tire blowouts and engine malfunctions can all lead to serious truck accidents that threaten drivers and other motorists on the road.

A fully loaded tractor-trailer can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. It takes a long distance for such a massive vehicle to come to a stop on the highway when the brakes are defective. A faulty brake can lead to rear-end truck accidents, rollovers and jackknife crashes. Tires have a heavy job to do, too. They carry the full weight of a huge truck and help keep it in control down the road. When a tire blows out, it can cause the truck to drift from side to side on the road and make it hard for the driver to steer properly.

Other mechanical problems can also cause a truck accident, such as transmission and engine complications. If a truck’s engine or transmission is not properly maintained, it can overheat and fail. Trucking companies should perform regular inspections and maintenance on their trucks to avoid these problems. Unfortunately, some trucking companies cut corners and ignore these inspections so that they can stay in business.

Poor cargo loading can also cause a truck accident. When loads are not properly secured, they can fall off on the highway at high speeds. A load that is too heavy can even tip the truck over. This is why trucking companies must ensure that their drivers have proper training to safely secure their loads.

Despite all the rules and regulations governing how much rest truckers must get and how many hours they are allowed to drive, some drivers still get behind the wheel when they are too tired to do so safely. Tired truckers can lose concentration, swerve out of their lane or make other mistakes on the road. These mistakes can result in deadly truck accidents for drivers and other motorists.

Poor Road Conditions

Because of their much larger size, trucks are more susceptible to serious injuries than passenger vehicles in the event of a collision. This is why it is so important that truck drivers obey traffic laws, stay within speed limits, and signal when changing lanes. In addition, trucking companies must adhere to strict safety regulations and not overload their trucks. When a truck driver or trucking company fails to follow these rules, it puts others at risk.

The nature of a road’s condition can also play a role in a truck accident. For example, potholes and uneven surfaces can cause a truck to lose control. In addition, if there are signs or other road markings that are missing or faded due to improper maintenance, this can lead to accidents.

Another common issue is a failure to check a truck’s blind spots before turning or switching lanes. Due to their massive sizes, commercial trucks have multiple areas around them that they cannot see without their mirrors or by checking the windows. If a trucker fails to do this, they could collide with another vehicle or even pedestrians.

In addition, poor weather conditions can make driving difficult or even impossible. Snow, rain, or construction zones can create hazardous situations on highways, interstates, and local roads. These types of conditions require extra time and caution for truck drivers to navigate.

Lastly, debris that is left on the road is a significant cause of truck accidents. Furniture, building materials, and cargo can fall off of a moving truck and hit other vehicles on the roadway. This can lead to devastating multi-vehicle collisions.

While truck drivers often bear partial responsibility for a crash, the trucking company may also be liable in some cases. For example, if the trucking company pressured its driver to ignore regulated hours or ignored a health issue like sleep apnea that caused them to be drowsy while driving, it can be held accountable in a personal injury lawsuit. The same goes for the trucking company that hires a driver who has illegal drugs or alcohol in their bloodstream, which can cause them to drive carelessly and crash.

Tire Blowouts

If you drive on the highway, chances are you’ve seen scattered tire pieces from a truck that lost one or more tires. While this may seem like a freak occurrence, tire blowouts are one of the most common causes of truck accidents. Truck drivers are responsible for regularly inspecting their trucks, including checking the air pressure and treads of their tires, and they must replace them when needed. When a tire blows out, it can cause the truck to lose control and crash into other vehicles on the road.

During a tire blowout, the sudden loss of force can also cause the cargo inside the truck to shift rapidly in a different direction, potentially creating a deadly rollover accident. A truck’s center of gravity is much higher than a passenger vehicle, and a rollover can cause massive damage to any cars or people in the way of the falling truck.

A truck driver’s negligence is often the cause of a tire blowout accident. They may not properly check the condition of their tires, or they might drive on tires that are at the end of their lifespan. This is in violation of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s rules, and it puts them at a greater risk of an accident.

Another reason a truck driver’s negligence might lead to a tire blowout is when they overload their trucks. Trucks are restricted to carrying a certain amount of cargo by the laws in each state, and if they are loaded above this limit, it can put too much stress on the tires and cause them to blow out.

Other causes of truck accidents include drowsiness, distraction, and intoxication. Drowsy or distracted truck drivers can lose control of their vehicles and veer into other traffic lanes, causing T-bone crashes with other vehicles on the road. Trucks driven by drowsy or intoxicated drivers can also speed or turn improperly, causing them to run intersections and slam into the sides of other vehicles.

Improper Loading

When trucks transport cargo, it is up to truckers and companies to properly load the freight. If this isn’t done, it puts everyone on the road in danger. If a load shifts, it can crash into smaller motor vehicles or pedestrians and cause severe injury or even death. If the cargo is combustible, it can also create fires or explosions.

Improper loading can be caused by either unsecure or improperly placed items in a truck bed, or by loading items that create a structural imbalance in the truck. When trucks are loaded this way, it can lead to them rolling over during sharp turns or becoming a fire hazard in hot weather. If the load is a hazardous material, it may explode if there is a problem with the seals or packing.

While the driver of a large truck is usually the primary suspect in any accident that occurs, many investigations reveal that other parties are to blame. For example, a trucking company that pushes drivers to meet demanding delivery quotas or ignores medical issues like sleep apnea may share liability for an accident.

In addition, inclement weather and defective roadway conditions may also cause accidents. If a truck driver is not prepared to drive on wet or snowy roads, for instance, they may swerve into opposing lanes of traffic and collide with vehicles or pedestrians.

Because of the size and shape of their trailers, commercial trucks have multiple areas that are known as blind spots. If a truck driver fails to check their blind spot before changing lanes or turning, they can strike other vehicles or pedestrians on the side of the road.

What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

Personal Injury Lawyer Ogden UT is an attorney helping people injured by someone else’s careless actions. They help victims recover damages, including lost income, medical bills, and pain and suffering.

Having strong evidence is crucial to building a successful personal injury case. From medical records that showcase the extent of the injuries to witness statements shedding light on accident circumstances, each piece helps strengthen a claim’s value.

personal injury lawyer

The practice of personal injury involves a variety of complex issues that require in-depth knowledge and experience. Whether it’s an auto accident, a medical error, or a defective product, personal injury lawyers can help you pursue compensation for your injuries and losses. They will handle all communications with insurance companies, manufacturers, and other parties involved in the case. They will also ensure that your rights are protected. Moreover, they will negotiate with the accused party’s insurance company to ensure that you get maximum compensation for your losses.

The first step in a personal injury case is to establish liability. This is accomplished through legal analysis and investigation. During this process, the personal injury lawyer will review all available evidence, including medical records and witness testimony. The victim’s recollection of the accident is also important. Therefore, it is recommended that victims record their recollections while they still remember them. During this process, the attorney will identify all individuals and entities whose wrongful conduct contributed to the victim’s accident. This may include drivers, their employers (if the accident occurred while they were on the job), manufacturers of vehicles or medical devices, and government entities.

Once the lawyer has identified all parties, they will prepare a list of questions for them. They will also prepare interrogatories and requests for depositions, which involve questions asked under oath. In addition, the attorney will send letters of representation to all parties who have information about the case. This includes the drivers of other vehicles in the crash, the employer of employees who suffered an injury on the job, and the manufacturers of defective products.

In most cases, the injured person is entitled to damages that compensate them for their losses and injuries. This may include general damages, special damages, and punitive damages. The amount of these damages will depend on the severity of the victim’s injuries and losses. In order to prove their claims, the victim must provide medical records establishing that they have suffered injuries and losses due to the defendant’s negligence.

The most common type of damage is general damages, which cover the cost of medical expenses and other out-of-pocket costs. Other types of damages include emotional distress, loss of consortium, and property damage.

Preparing for trial is a complex and lengthy process. It begins long before the trial date, as legal teams survey evidence and establish their theory of the case. They also collect all relevant materials and create visual aids for use during the trial. Attorneys often find it helpful to make a checklist of tasks, which helps them stay organized and ensures no details are missed.

One of the most important steps in preparing for a personal injury trial is to identify and preserve evidence. This can include photographs, witness testimonies, and CCTV footage. It is important to take these steps immediately after the accident, as some types of evidence are susceptible to deterioration over time. For example, skid marks on the road or damage to guardrails may disappear as time passes. In addition, memories fade and physical injuries heal.

Another aspect of preparing for a trial involves interviewing witnesses and consulting experts. These steps are necessary to prove that the defendant was liable for your injury and should be held accountable for your damages. A personal injury lawyer will also work on crafting persuasive arguments based on these facts and expert testimony.

A trial is a difficult process, especially if the other party’s insurance company refuses to provide you with the compensation you deserve. To overcome this obstacle, an experienced personal injury attorney will negotiate with the insurance company to secure a fair settlement offer. They will also ensure that all paperwork is filed accurately and on time.

During the trial, the plaintiff’s attorney will outline their claim and explain how the injury has affected their life. They will then present their evidence, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The defense will then present its counterarguments. The jury will then vote on the verdict, which usually concludes with a finding of negligence or liability.

If you are a plaintiff in a personal injury case, it’s important to prepare for trial by practicing your testimony. During the trial, you will be cross-examined by the opposing counsel, so it’s essential to answer questions in a truthful and accurate manner. It’s also important to wear appropriate clothing, as the jury will notice any inconsistencies in your story.

Insurance companies may try to convince you that they are on your side, but they are not. They are in the business of maximizing their profits and will fight to pay as little as possible to settle a claim. This is why it is important to work with a personal injury lawyer who has experience in settlement negotiations. They can help you determine a fair settlement amount and use it to negotiate with the insurer.

Before a settlement can be reached, it is essential to document the extent of your injuries and losses. This step includes obtaining medical treatment and providing evidence that your injuries were caused by the accident. It is also important to note the impact of your injuries on your daily life, such as loss of income and emotional distress.

Once the documentation is complete, your attorney will send a demand letter to the insurance company. This letter will include a detailed description of your injuries, medical treatment, property damage, and monetary losses. The letter will also specify the compensation amount you are seeking, which should be slightly higher than your estimated claim value to allow room for negotiation.

During the negotiation process, an experienced personal injury lawyer will take into account all of your financial and non-monetary losses. They will use various tactics, such as leveraging information from expert witnesses and official documents, to push for a high settlement amount. They will also emphasize emotional points, such as the fact that your injury has impacted family members and friends.

Once the negotiations have begun, an insurance adjuster may make a low counteroffer to test your resolve. A good personal injury lawyer will be able to counter the offer with a more reasonable amount. If the insurance company refuses to budge, your lawyer will advise you on whether or not it is in your best interest to go to trial. In the end, your lawyer will negotiate the highest possible settlement for you and your loved ones. This will save you time and money in the long run, especially if you need to attend trial.

In the legal arena, personal injury lawyers represent victims of car accidents, medical malpractice, workplace injuries, and other damages that result from wrongful conduct by others. These damages include both economic (money to cover costs such as medical bills) and non-economic (pain and suffering, lost wages) losses. In some cases, punitive damages are also awarded to punish the defendant. In addition to representing injured people, personal injury attorneys work with insurance companies to negotiate settlements and, when necessary, file lawsuits in civil court.

Before a personal injury lawyer can sue, they must have “jurisdiction” and “venue.” Jurisdiction refers to the Court where the case is filed. This may be the where the incident occurred, where the defendant lives, or another jurisdiction. In some states, the law requires a specific be the venue of the action.

Once they have a clear picture of your injuries, personal injury attorneys can prepare a package of documents for the plaintiff and insurer to submit to the Court. This includes medical records, expert witness reports, and other documentation describing the injuries. This package also includes a financial analysis of the losses. The attorney will need to calculate all of the resulting costs, including past and future medical expenses and income loss.

After all of the paperwork is prepared, the injury lawyer will notify the defendant that a lawsuit is being filed. They will also serve the defendant with a summons and complaint. The lawsuit will usually be filed in the where the incident occurred, but if the claim is against a government agency or corporation, the lawyer may have to file the suit in a different location.

If the parties cannot reach a settlement, they can attend a mediation session. In a mediation, the attorney for the plaintiff and the defendant’s representative meet with a neutral third party to discuss the case. During the session, the adverse parties share information about their positions and try to reach a settlement. If a settlement cannot be reached at mediation, the case will go to trial.
